DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> ACTA - Outputs
O1 : A Comparative Study on EDC Competences in the Icelandic and Romanian Context (joint article published in open-access publication)

This study brings forward an innovative approach on the issue, in terms of both research methodology and scope. On the one hand, it proposes an indepth analysis of the national framework – legislative provisions, institutional strategies and policies – and of regional and local practices. On the other hand, it brings together two educational systems that share a full commitment to European values and principles, but are based on historically different and distant cultures.

Languages: English

Activity Leading Organisation: Bifröst University

Participating Organisations: University of Craiova, University of Iceland


O2: Democratic Citizenship: a Study of the Romanian and Icelandic Learner’s Profile (joint article published in open-access publication)

This study is meant to provide a scientific support for the educational materials that will be produced within the project: the transferable model for the development and assessment of EDC-related competences and the course material. A prerequisite for the transferability of these materials is their adaptability to heterogeneous audiences and various national, identity and educational contexts. The objective of the study is to compare and analyse the standpoints of Romanian and Icelandic students in terms of education for democratic citizenship (EDC) and the competences that lead to it. This comprehensive approach will help create, subsequently, a transferable model, that may be used in various national contexts. The impact of this endeavour will be two-fold: on the one hand, the enhacement of the students’ awareness on EDC and the reinforcement of the student-teacher cooperation in joint democratic actions in the community; on the other hand, the findings of the study will support academics in adapting and updating their teaching strategies according to the students’ profile.

Languages: English

Activity Leading Organisation: University of Iceland

Participating Organisations: University of Craiova, Bifröst University


O3 : A Transferable Model for the Development and Assessment of EDC Competences (a model for the description and assessment of EDC competences)

This educational research aims at providing an effective model for the development and assessment of EDC competences.The elaboration of the model implies three main phases: 1. Selecting a set of relevant competences for EDC; 2. Drawing up and validating competence description sheets; 3. Drawing up and validating a competence assessment tool.

The model is innovative through its approach of EDC competences: even though they have already been listed in relevant European documents, effective means of competence assessment are still needed. Moreover, the model proposes a fresh methodological perspective, through the use of problem-based teaching/learning and the integration of ICT.

Languages: English

Activity Leading Organisation: University of Craiova

Participating Organisations: Bifröst University, University of Iceland


O4 : Developing Democratic Competence through ICT. A Handbook for Language Teachers (handbook))

This Handbook will provide guidelines and tools forEDC to native language teachers in primary education (pupils aged 6-10 years) and foreign language teachers in primary and secondary education (pupils aged 6-18 years). The Handbook will be an innovative educational resource on a two-fold level: it will integrate the results of the joint research performed in O1 and O2, as well as the teaching/learning model for the development of EDC competences built within this project (O3). Moreover, it will advocate for the use of ICT, ubiquitous in modern education.

The Handbook will be freely accessible on the project website in English and Romanian

Activity Leading Organisation: University of Craiova

Participating Organisations: Bifröst University, University of Iceland
